Funny how that works, all I had to do was give her the song and not say anything more and it totally opened up her memory bank as well and flooded her with those good times. A simple song, a simple picture, a name, a place, all reminders of happy thoughts (no pixie dust required). Now don’t get me wrong, we all have those bad memories that we’d like to forget but I’m not talking about those so leave those locked up and reserve them for reminders when you need to find strength or courage or when you need to simply look back and see just how far you’ve come since that time.
So, what’s stored in your memory bank? Friends, destinations, songs, thoughts, feelings? You know you’ve got’em all, now find yourself some time to give yourself a chance to open that flood gate and take in some of those feel good feelings, we all need them and deserve that break.
I just finished a course on Body Mind Nutrition, the course reviewed a lot of information about stopping the aging of the brain and how you can boost your brain power and how your nutrition affects your brain. Maybe this is what has prompted the recent flood gate opening, I’m not sure. The statistics are real and the chance of it happening to you and me is high. It just goes to give a friendly reminder that what you do today will certainly reflect upon you in the future, don’t forget that.
The thought of losing those memories scares me. If you lose those memories then how do you get to your happy place, your mooring post, your grounded two feet on the ground with the head in the clouds spot that just puts you at ease and makes life all good?
Think about it.
Now, the next time something prompts a good times memory and the flood gates open be sure you don’t quickly snap them shut because you think you’re too busy to travel down that path. It stares you in the face for a reason people, so take note and don’t ignore it. You have every right to let yourself go there and take in a moment or two to let that smile hit your face and let that sunny memory warm your heart.
I started out saying no pixie dust required, but really, maybe whatever it is that sparks the memory bank to open is your own version of pixie dust (the thought, the feeling, whatever the reminder is).
Find your pixie dust and open up the gate